Name of the campaign: Youth Safe-driving program
Original concept: Be a responsible young driver--5 safe driving behaviors
Improved concept, cross-fertilizing EU, Asian and Latin American experience: Be a responsible young driver--6 safe driving behaviors
First implementation
Venues & dates: September.2015 to February.2016
Animators: 85
Tools used: Drink driving goggle, distracted driving playing card, be seen-reflectors in black box, and etc.
Number of participants: 75
Number of young participants, aged 13-30: 3000
Number of young participants with fewer opportunities: 1500
Type/s of fewer opportunities:
- Social obstacles - 0
- Economic obstacles - 0
- Disability - 0
- Educational difficulties - 0
- Cultural differences - 0
- Health problems - 0
- Geographical obstacles - 0
Second implementation
Implemented improvements: add one more safe-driving behavior--No Road Rage
Venues & dates: September.2016 to December.2017
Animators: 80
Tools used: Drink driving goggle, distracted driving playing card, be seen-reflectors in black box, vehicle blind area mat. etc.
Number of participants: 2400
Number of young participants, aged 13-30: 2400
Number of young participants with fewer opportunities: 1200
Type/s of fewer opportunities:
- Social obstacles - 0
- Economic obstacles - 0
- Disability - 0
- Educational difficulties - 0
- Cultural differences - 0
- Health problems - 0
- Geographical obstacles - 0