ICTCT Extra Workshop in Beijing
The IMPACT project hosted a special session during the ICTCT extra workshop “Cyclists and planning for cyclists” held in Beijing, China on 26 and 27 of April 2016. The project consortium representatives showcased the project achievements in front of leading European and Chinese researchers as well as students from the Beijing University of Technology. The presentations can be downloaded from http://www.ictct.org/workshops/past-workshops/x-ictct-extra-workshop-beijing-china/
Action in Plovdiv
The fifth action, part of the "Drive responsibly and courteously" 2016 campaign in Bulgaria, took part in Plovdiv, from 11:00 o'clock on the 28th of April 2016. A total of 63 people, out of which 43 young road users, took part in the joint action of the Bulgarian Traffic Police and the iRED youth workers and animators.
Action in Stara Zagora
The fourth action, part of the "Drive responsibly and courteously" 2016 campaign in Bulgaria, took part in Stara Zagora, from 15:00 o'clock on the 27th of April 2016. A total of 94 people, out of which 51 young road users, took part in the joint action of the Bulgarian Traffic Police and the iRED youth workers and animators.
Action in Yambol
The third action, part of the "Drive responsibly and courteously" 2016 campaign in Bulgaria, took part in Yambol, from 11:00 o'clock on the 27th of April 2016. A total of 61 people, out of which 41 young road users, took part in the joint action of the Bulgarian Traffic Police and the iRED youth workers and animators.
Action in Kardjali
The second action, part of the "Drive responsibly and courteously" 2016 campaign in Bulgaria, took part in Kardjali, from 11:00 o'clock on the 26th of April 2016. A total of 68 people, out of which 37 young road users, took part in the joint action of the Bulgarian Traffic Police and the iRED youth workers and animators.
Action in Smolyan
The first action, part of the "Drive responsibly and courteously" 2016 campaign in Bulgaria, took part in Smolyan, from 11:00 o'clock on the 25th of April 2016. A total of 50 people, out of which 33 young road users, took part in the joint action of the Bulgarian Traffic Police and the iRED youth workers and animators.
Run for road safety
On the third day of joint IMPACT activities in Shanghai (23rd of April), the project partners' representatives took part in a open space event, organized by the Shanghai ZhaBei Huatong Injury Prevention Consulting Center and the Shanghai Traffic Police. The rain could not stop the fun in running to complete all road safety challenges. The event was featured on the International Channel Shanghai TV. See https://www.facebook.com/openyouthbg/videos/1195728463772891/
Open public seminar
Following the Midterm project partners' meeting, an Open public seminar was held in Shanghai on the 22nd of April 2016 in the framework of the IMPACT project. During the seminar the partners' representatives had the opportunity to showcase their achievements in front of road safety stakeholders from the Shanghai Traffic Police, the Shanghai Center for Disease Control, university teachers and students.
Midterm meeting
The IMPACT project Midterm meeting took place on the 21st of April 2016 in Shanghai, China. It will be hosted by the Shanghai ZhaBei Huatong Injury Prevention Consulting Center. All project partners sent their coordinators to share their experience from the first year project implementation and to discuss initial project strategies for continuation of IMPACT.
Action in Vidin
The fifth action, part of the "Drive responsibly and courteously" 2015 campaign in Bulgaria, took part in Vidin from 11:00 o'clock on the 25th of September 2015. A total of 28 people, out of which 11 young road users, took part in the joint action of the Bulgarian Traffic Police and the iRED youth workers and animators.
Action in Montana
The fourth action, part of the "Drive responsibly and courteously" 2015 campaign in Bulgaria, took part in Montana from 15:00 o'clock on the 24th of September 2015. A total of 63 people, out of which 28 young road users, took part in the joint action of the Bulgarian Traffic Police and the iRED youth workers and animators.
Actividad en Vratsa
Actividad en Pernik
Acción en el condado de Sofía
Capacitación de IMPACT en Vidin, Bulgaria
La última capacitación en el marco de este proyecto fue dad en Vidin, Bulgaria el 10 de julio de 2015. Además de los tres trabajadores jóvenes de iRed, participaron cinco animadores.
Capacitación de IMPACT en Bruselas, Bélgica
El 3 de julio de 2015, los capacitadores de iRed llevaron a cabo la preparación de los jóvenes trabajadores y animadores en Burselas. Esta fue la capacitación con más participantes, siendo 15 en total, incluyendo dos entrenadores de iRed, cuatro trabajadores jóvenes de RYD y siete animadores. Además, se tuvo el honor de recibir a dos representantes de la Comisión Europea.
Capacitación de IMPACT en Shangai, China
La capacitación de IMPACT en Shanghai, China, tuvo lugar el 18 de mayo de 2015. Los dos preparadores de iRed trabajaron con un grupo motivado del equipo de ZBH de cinco animadores y tres trabajadores jóvenes. Además, se organizó una reunión con los participantes locales, como Shanghai CDC y Continental China.
Capacitación de IMPACT en Buenos Aires, Argentina
La tercera capacitación, en el marco del proyecto IMPACT, se llevó a cabo el 20 de abril de 2015 en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Los dos preparadores de iRed se encontraron con un grupo muy motivado del equipo de MINU. La capacitación misma fue dada para un grupo de tres trabajadores jóvenes y seis animadores. Además, hubo una reunión de desarrollo de capacidad con representantes de la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial y el Observatorio Iberoamericano de Seguridad Vial.
Capacitación de IMPACT en Debrecen, Hungría
La sede de la segunda capacitación del proyecto fue HAHA y se llevó a cabo el 7 de abril en Debrecen. Los dos preparadores de iRed trabajaron en asuntos de seguridad vial, no solamente con los tres trabajadores juveniles de HAHA y cinco animadores, sino también con representantes de la Policía local de tránsito y otras ONGs de seguridad vial.
Capacitación de IMPACT en Oradea, Rumanía.
La primera capacitación de los trabajadores juveniles y los animadores, en el marco del proyecto, se llevó a cabo el 6 de abril de 2015. Participaron dos representantes de iRed, junto a tres trabajadores juveniles y cinco animadores de PIHE.
Reunión inicial
La reunión inicial del proyecto IMPACT se llevará a cabo del 25 al 28 de marzo de 2015 en Viena, Austria. El anfitrión será FACTUM. Todos los socios del proyecto mandarán a sus coordinadores para compartir sus experiencias, discutir y desarrollar una estrategia de proyecto en detalle. La misma incluirá una lógica y visuales del proyecto, evaluación, campañas nacionales, reclutamiento de animadores y relaciones públicas.